Every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m., I take a class at the Addison Athletic Club called Ageless Grace. It is designed for seniors and is supposed to stimulate your body and your mind. Everything is done sitting in a chair. Sometimes we use our imaginations and pretend we are swimming, hiking, dancing, playing instruments, etc. We really do explore the freedom of our childhoods once again. (We do it behind closed doors.) In addition, we create new brain cells and pathways in our brains by moving one arm in a straight line and the other arm in a circle while drawing a triangle with our left feet. Usually, the edges on our triangles end up being a little or a lot rounded. Sometimes we draw shapes with our belly buttons. That particular session of drawing shapes is called Gentle Geometry. Plus the music is great — songs from our era or sometimes children’s songs that tell us to move different parts of our bodies. I always feel renewed physically and mentally when I leave the class. Let’s learn more about Ageless Grace.

Our golden years should actually be golden
According to agelessgrace.com, the No. 1 health concern of people of all ages is losing cognitive function and mobility as we age. People want the freedom to live whole unencumbered lives — to move, dance, travel, etc. Doing another crossword puzzle is NOT the answer. You must move your body while engaging your brain to make positive cognitive changes.
Ageless Grace® is a highly effective brain fitness program that keeps participants moving and thinking through the power of play. Because wellness shouldn’t have to be boring or painful — in fact, it should be fun!

Meet Founder Denise Medved
We know how painful it can be watching a once vibrant person lose function in their mind and body. Ageless Grace founder Denise Medved lost her mother to Alzheimer’s disease. On top of the grief she suffered, she was left wondering what the future had in store for her as she got older.
From worry came action, as she spent years researching the relationship between physical movement and cognitive function. Through testing and refinement, she developed the Ageless Grace program, which is now taught by over 2,500 educators worldwide. Ageless Grace has helped thousands of mature adults strengthen their minds and bodies through the power of play — proving that staying well doesn’t have to be a chore.
Medved is a woman with a vision formed by a lifetime of facing struggles with optimism, grit, and perseverance.
She grew up with two very different models for aging. Her father was the epitome of physical health; a bodybuilder and winner of several major fitness awards including Mr. Tennessee, Mr. Dixie and Mr. Wisconsin. He was a man of action and movement who was always on the go. Her mother was a woman of intellect. She was a teacher and storyteller who solved the most difficult Sudoku and crossword puzzles with ease. Medved admired both of her parents immensely and still strives today to mirror their strengths.

As her parents began to age, it became obvious that her father was aging with ease, while her mother was in a relentless cycle of pain. Her father was active almost up to his last day. He had a brief illness and died peacefully, a full participant in life. Her mother, however suffered from rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and began using a cane and walker in her 50s. Eventually, her mother was diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s, a diagnosis that shocked Medved because of her mother’s challenging mental regimen.
Observing her parents and their different ways of aging, she began to wonder if there was a way to keep both the body and the brain healthy as we get older.
Medved’s own challenges with her health informed her thinking as well. She was born with a mild case of spina bifida, and she suffered from pain in her spine all of her childhood and early adult life. A damaged cervical spine from a car accident only made matters worse. She was also born with issues in her feet for which she has had 11 surgeries.
But it was an encounter with a doctor at the age of 22 that changed her life forever. She was in the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York with an inflamed spine, and the prognosis was not good. She was told she needed surgery and that even with surgery she might expect to be wheelchair-bound by her 50s. She sat before the doctor, racked with pain, barely able to walk and completely overwhelmed by the dire prognosis given to her. She didn’t want to live a life limited by pain. Before she could make a decision about whether or not to have surgery, the hospital chief of staff turned to her and said:
“If you were my daughter, I would tell you not to have the surgery. I would tell you to go home and exercise every single day for the rest of your life. If you move your entire body every day, you will do well. If you don’t move your body every single day, then you’re facing years of pain, surgeries and eventually, you may be confined to a wheelchair.”
Medved chose to take the chief of staff’s advice, and now at 68-years-old she is healthier and stronger than when she was in her 20s. She is also completely free of pain.

That conversation with the chief of staff and observing her parents’ different aging processes led her to a passion for fitness, dance, NIA (Neuromuscular Integrative Action) Technique, Jane Boutelle technique for spinal pain and almost every type of movement imaginable, which she practiced diligently alongside her corporate marketing career. And eventually, after many years spent as a personal trainer and a trainer for the NIA Technique, and after seven years of research and pilot classes, this passion led to her creation of Ageless Grace.
Ageless Grace is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain — analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and imagination — and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function. In the simplest terms, neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain and central nervous system to change form and function throughout one’s lifetime, specifically when stimulated by various physical activities.

Ageless Grace tools
Each of the Ageless Grace Tools, or exercises, emphasizes a different anti-aging technique, such as joint mobility, balance, spinal flexibility, right-left brain coordination, upper body strength, development of new neural pathways, dexterity of the feet and hands, systemic health, oxygenation of the cells, increased self-esteem, confidence and playfulness. The easy-to-learn tools promote the “three Rs” of lifelong comfort and ease — not reading, ´riting and ´rithmetic — but the ability to respond, react and recover quickly, efficiently and safely.
The movements in the program are designed to be performed seated in a chair to activate and work the core muscle group, stimulate the systems of the body i.e., digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, respiratory, etc. and help maintain optimal organ function. However, they can be done on a bed, standing near or behind a chair, down on the floor or standing. When created, it was Medved’s intention that anyone could perform the movements in Ageless Grace, whether recovering from a surgery or at the peak of health – and that anyone of any age or ability can be certified to teach the program and inspire others to practice this cutting-edge brain elasticity program. Intentionally nourishing the mind-body connection on a daily basis can help improve health and well-being, reduce stress, keep the brain agile and the body responsive. When body, mind, spirit and emotions are in balance, health and well-being follow. Ageless Grace offers something for each of these dimensions.

The biggest difference between Ageless Grace and other fitness programs is that Ageless Grace is meant to both exercise the body and stimulate the brain. Research now supports that we must combine the two for optimal lifelong function and graceful aging. We must continue to practice movements we are unfamiliar with to create new neural pathways.
The Ageless Grace program consists of 21 simple exercise tools designed for all ages and abilities. These exercises, based on everyday movements that are natural and organic, focus on the healthy longevity of the body and mind. Ageless Grace movements are performed in a chair to stimulate all brain functions.
By practicing a few of the 21 Tools for 10 minutes every day, you can improve your brain health. The Tools promote the “Three R’s” of lifelong comfort and ease — the ability to Respond, React, and Recover efficiently and safely.
Each of the Ageless Grace Tools emphasizes different anti-aging techniques:
Exercise Tool #1 Juicy Joints Joint Mobility
Exercise Tool #2 Dive In! Upper Body Strength
Exercise Tool #3 Spelling “B” (for Body) Cognitive Function
Exercise Tool #4 Front Row Orchestra Multi-skilling
Exercise Tool #5 Zoo-ology Systemic Movement
Exercise Tool #6 Try Chi Joint and Ligament Stability
Exercise Tool #7 Yo Baby! Flexibility
Exercise Tool #8 Body Math Ability to Respond, React and Recover.
Exercise Tool #9 Gentle Geometry Neuroplasticity
Exercise Tool #10 Rockin’ Rockettes Lower Body Function
Exercise Tool #11 Spaghetti Spine Spinal Flexibility
Exercise Tool #12 Express Yourself! Mobility and Agility in the hands, fingers, arms and shoulders
Exercise Tool #13 “Power” Tools Power and Leverage
Exercise Tool #14 Saving Face Release of Tension in the Face, Head and Neck
Exercise Tool #15 Balancing Act Balance and Fall Prevention
Exercise Tool #16 Breathe Out Loud Oxygenation of Cells
Exercise Tool #17 Grab Bag Dexterity in the Hands, Fingers and Wrists
Exercise Tool #18 Shake It Up Baby! Myofascial/Connective Tissue
Exercise Tool #19 Team Fit Muscle Mass and Coordination
Exercise Tool #20 Get Down, Get Up! Cardiovascular Conditioning
Exercise Tool #21 Dance Party! Emotional Expression
The 21 Tools include right and left-brain activities and numbered sequences of physical movements in patterns that play “games” with the brain. There are also brain-body directions that allow the brain to consciously choose and direct the body’s movement in either a random or specific sequence. The Tools are fun, easy and are used to stimulate and release endorphins and engage the nervous system.

For the Brain:
- Right- and left-brain movement activities.
- Numbering sequences of physical
movements in patterns that play games
with the brain.
- Brain-body directives that encourage the brain to consciously choose and direct the movement of the body in either a random or specific sequence.
- Stimulates the imagination and physical action to light up the brain.
For the Body:
- Range of motion and optimal function.
- The relationship of all the parts of the body to the whole.
- Awareness of physical sensations.
- The brain-body connection.
- The brain as a stimulus for the central nervous system.
- Improvement of both cognitive and motor function, including balance.
For the Emotions:
There are sounds, words, expressions and “pretend” emotions used to inspire, stimulate and release endorphins, proteins and positive hormones, while simultaneously allowing the body to release tension and tightness.
For the Spirit:
The movements incorporate imagery, creativity, variety, playfulness, polarities, sound and games, all performed to a wide range of music that encourages self-expression while nourishing the authentic self.

Medved has been featured on national television, in publications such as American Fitness, and at such internationally acclaimed facilities as Canyon Ranch Health and Fitness Resort in Tucson, Arizona; The Oaks Spa in Ojai, California; Rosey’s Little Village in Agistri, Greece; Chianchiano Terme Spa in Tuscany, Italy; aboard Princess and Carnival Cruise Lines and at the Pebble Beach Resorts in Pebble Beach, California.
She lives in Hendersonville, North Carolina and began teaching Ageless Grace on her own 10 years ago. Now there are over 2,500 Ageless Grace Educators or instructors worldwide!
“I am thrilled that Ageless Grace has taken off so rapidly and that people are benefitting from the program in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and beyond!” said Denise. “99% of the Educators are women, and they tell me that they love teaching Ageless Grace because they experience the benefits for themselves as they help other people. I often hear that they are happier and more engaged in their communities than before they taught Ageless Grace.”
It’s not surprising that the Educators feel happier after teaching their classes. Ageless Grace, through the maintenance, restoration and development of our neural pathways — the message highways between the body and brain — stimulates the same pathways we used as children. People become more playful, energetic and creative once they begin to practice and teach Ageless Grace because they are accessing parts of their brain that they used from the time they were born until they were about 18-21 years of age.
But it’s not only the health and mood benefits that Educators have to be thankful for.
“I have taught fitness classes for over 35 years. I’ve been in situations in the past where my pay was abysmal, and I’ve seen other incredibly talented people paid poorly,” Medved said. “When I created Ageless Grace I vowed that my Educators would be paid for the value that they’re bringing to the world. They are paid far above the norm expected in the fitness world, and I take a lot of pride in that. Some of the Educators and Trainers teach Ageless Grace as a career, while others teach to supplement their income. Not only are women changing the model of aging around the world, but they are being paid well to do it!”