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Writer's pictureMary Reed

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 – Graduation

I walk by the front door of a recent high school graduate. I don’t remember such decorations when I graduated from high school, although I do think there was a family gathering of some kind. I do remember dressing up in a royal blue gown and cap with a gold tassel, along with a graduation afterparty at a friend’s house. High school graduation was not the same big step for me as it was for a lot of others my age because I lived in a college town — Stillwater, Oklahoma. My father was a professor at Oklahoma State University where I was going in the fall. There was no packing up my things to move to a faraway city. I lived at home with my family during my entire 4-year college education. So, high school graduation was a bit anticlimactic for me. I do remember wearing a tiny white cap and gown at my Catholic kindergarten graduation. I was probably more excited then than for my high school graduation. My worst graduation story is when my baby (18 years younger) sister Julie graduated with a master’s in library science from the University of Texas at Austin. The student population there is enormous, and there were multiple graduation ceremonies — one for each college. I was assigned the task of using a bulky video camera to record Julie walking across the stage. Unfortunately, our seats were in the balcony in the very back of a giant auditorium. So, I ended up recording the girl right after my sister because she had long brown hair just like her, and the names called often overlapped with the next graduate. Oh well. She has since forgiven me. Let’s learn more about graduation.

Finnish girl students graduating from high school in 1906

Graduation is the awarding of a diploma or academic degree — or the ceremony that is sometimes associated with it — in which students become graduates. The date of graduation is often called graduation day. The graduation ceremony itself is also sometimes called: commencement, convocation or invocation.

Graduation ceremony at the Indian School of Business

Graduation ceremony

In the photo on the left of graduation at the Indian School of Business, the student receives a diploma from Indian business tycoon, investor, engineer and philanthropist Azem Premji, known as the czar of the Indian information technology industry. Indian billionaire businessman and industrialist Adi Godrej is in the background.

Usually, the graduation ceremony and name apply to university degrees — associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctorate.

In a graduation ceremony at the college and university level, the presiding officer or another authorized person formally confers degrees upon candidates — either individually or en masse — even though graduates may physically receive their diploma later at a smaller college or departmental ceremony.

Ceremonies often include a procession of some of the academic staff and candidates and a valedictory address. The academic staff will usually wear an academic dress at the ceremony, as will the trustees and the degree candidates. Graduates can be referred to by their year of graduation.

When a student graduates without attending the graduation ceremony, then it is called graduation in absentia.

U.S. commencement ceremony, early 20th century

United States non-tertiary “graduations”

In the United States, the completion of mandatory schooling is also referred to as graduating, even though it is substantially below degree level.

"Graduations" for high school, middle school, kindergartens and even for passing from one school year to the next have been a development of recent years. This has received criticism, being described as "just a way of celebrating mediocrity."

In some places, graduation parties celebrating graduation from school, college or university are popular. In a recent 2014 nationwide survey in the United States, $985 was the average amount spent on graduation parties.

Japanese elementary and secondary school graduations

Underclassmen, parents, and teachers are seated first. The vice principal leads in the local officials and special guests. The teachers all stand and bow to them as they enter. When the graduates enter, they are led by their homeroom teachers. Everyone walks very slowly and deliberately. They walk in straight lines and make 90-degree turns, if turning is necessary. The students line up next to their chairs and wait for the homeroom teacher to signal; they all sit at once. The homeroom teacher then joins the rest of the teachers. The head of ceremonies asks everyone to stand and bow towards the Japanese flag. This is coordinated by playing three chords on the piano — first-prepare, second-bow and third-return upright.

Singing has a large part in the Japanese schools’ curriculum and is also a big part of graduation. The first song is Japan's national anthem, followed by the city song and the school song. The latter two are usually printed in the program. This is the last time the graduating class will sing the school song together with the rest of the school. At this point, or after diplomas, the lower class sings to the graduating class, and the graduating class to the lower class. Then everyone sings together. Some of the possible songs are: “Tabidachi no Hi ni,” “Sayonara,” “Until the World is One by Ya-Ya-Yah,” “Sakura” by Naotaro Moriyama, “Aogeba Tōtoshi” and “Hotaru no Hikari,” sung to the tune of “Auld Lang Syne.”

After singing has finished, the principal — wearing a Japanese style tuxedo or black tie — goes to the podium. Usually, a female teacher wearing a hakama brings out diplomas on a large tray. The homeroom teacher for each class calls out the names of his or her students in gender-split alphabetical order. Recently, some schools have discontinued splitting the class by gender. Students stand and say “hai,” Japanese for "yes." Large classes may only have their names called. Smaller classes might have each student go to the stage and receive their diploma. They queue up, walking in straight lines, 90-degree turns, at a deliberately slow pace. At some elementary schools the students give a short speech about what they want to do at junior high before receiving their diplomas.

The principal reads the diploma out loud once to the first student in each class. The diploma is handed over full size in an open cover, not rolled-up. The principal rotates the diploma to face the student and hands it to them. The student receives the diploma by using their left hand first, and then their right hand before pulling it towards them. The student steps back and exchanges bows with the principal. The student then slowly closes the diploma and folds it under their left hand before turning and walking away. Returning to their seats, students stop and bow to the special guests.

After all the students are seated again, the principal makes a speech. The speeches are written vertically from top to bottom, right to left on a fan folded piece of paper. The principal's speech is followed by the head of the PTA. At junior high school, an underclassmen may give a speech thanking the graduating students for things like being good senpai. And this is followed by a student speech from the student president. Students may give set group speeches, as if a dialogue between the lower class and upper class. Students take turns yelling out parts of the dialogue sometimes being accompanied by everyone or a few other students in unison. This might happen before, in-between and/or after the songs.

After the ceremony, students may get a final address by their homeroom teacher. A few moments later, the graduates are free to roam around the school — in and out of the teachers’ offices. At junior high school, students take everything with them on the last day and may do school cheers with the underclassmen in front of the school. The school calendar does not end with graduation. The next business day after the ceremony first- and second-year students continue classes until spring break officially starts.

Filipino graduation ceremonies

For Filipinos, the term “graduation” usually refers to the graduation ceremonies undergone by graduates who have finished a level of education. Some view a person as having truly graduated only if they have “marched” onstage to accept their diploma during the graduation ceremonies. Thus, graduation also may be considered a coming-of-age ritual for young Filipinos. Graduation ceremonies are held at the end of March or, in some cases, the beginning of April of every year.

Filipinos take part in a graduation ceremony every time they complete an educational level. These ceremonies are usually held for graduation from kindergarten, elementary school, high school, vocational school or college and graduate school. In past decades, elementary school and high school graduates usually wore white: white dresses for girls and white polo shirts and black pants for boys. The same went for kindergarten “graduates” except that girls usually wore identical dresses in a style and color agreed upon by the parents. Recent trends call for togas and mortarboards as standard graduation attire. The Department of Education also recently called for austerity measures, prohibiting extravagant spending and requiring students to wear only their school uniforms under their togas.

Graduates of vocational schools and colleges usually wear togas and mortarboards or caps. These are usually black, except for those colleges and universities who have togas made in the school colors. Underneath, the graduates wear formal clothes which may range from “Sunday best” to party attire.

Those who finish post-graduate studies usually wear slightly different togas from those who finish undergraduate degrees. They also wear hoods banded with the color associated with their particular post-graduate course.

All graduates usually wear corsages pinned on the left lapel or left breast of their clothing.

High school graduation ceremonies usually have a baccalaureate mass before the actual graduation ceremonies begin. This is especially true if the school is Catholic.

Universities and colleges usually celebrate the baccalaureate mass and baccalaureate ceremonies on a separate day, usually the day before the graduation ceremonies. This is especially true if the school is Catholic. On this day, the awards for extra-curricular and co-curricular activities are given out, leaving only the major academic awards to be given on the graduation day itself. Examples of awards for extra-curricular and co-curricular activities are Athlete of the Year and Dancer of the Year, as well as “good conduct” awards such as "Most Well-Behaved" and "Most Neat and Clean."

The major academic awards given out on graduation day for elementary and high school are the awards for valedictorian, salutatorian and honorable mention. Many schools give awards to their top five graduates as follows: valedictorian, salutatorian, and first, second and third honorable mentions. The other awards are usually the Leadership Award and the awards for those who topped the different subjects. The latter are usually referred to as the “Bests,” since they start with the words “Best in...” such as, for example, “Best in Math.”

College and post-graduate schools usually award the following awards: summa cum laude (with highest honors), magna cum laude (with high honors) and cum laude (with honors). Unlike the awards given in elementary and high schools which depend on class ranking, undergraduate and post-graduate awards are given based on grade point averages, so that there may be more than one graduate with the same award, or in many cases, none at all.

Awards are usually given in the form of ribbons on which are printed the name of the award or medals with the name of the award engraved on the back, as well as certificates.

Although ceremonies vary from school to school, certain basic elements are usually the same. A typical graduation ceremony starts with the processional, which in some cases consists of the graduating class and their parents who formally walk side by side into the venue for the ceremony. Some schools have the students leave their parents at their designated seats. Boys then go up on the stage from the left and girls from the right. The two lines meet in center stage and go down the front steps, each pair bowing to the audience just before they reach the top step.

After the processional comes the invocation, which may either be spoken or sung by a choir or by the graduates themselves. Then, the national anthem is sung and the salutatorian gives their salutatory address which serves as the welcome address or opening remarks. The keynote speaker is then introduced. This speaker may be a notable person, a person of some authority or influence, or even a former student who has made good in their chosen field and whom the school feels should be an inspiration to the graduates. After the keynote address, the school principal, or chancellor in the case of universities, presents the graduates to the representative of the appropriate government institution by having them stand up. The representative in turn declares the students graduates. After this declaration, the graduates are then awarded their diplomas.

The actual diplomas usually are not awarded during the ceremonies; the graduates get their diplomas and other pertinent papers after they have complied with their clearance. In the past, schools usually handed out rolls of paper tied with a ribbon, symbolizing the diplomas. A graduate came on stage when their name was called, accepted the diploma with their right hand, then transferred it to their left hand and shook the hand of the person awarding the diploma. The graduate then went front and center, held the roll of paper at a slant between their hands, left hand at the bottom and right hand at the top, and bowed, then went down the steps and back to their seat. Present trends, however, are for schools to give out leatherette diploma holders during the ceremony, thus eliminating the need for the formal bow and expediting the ceremony. After the awarding of diplomas, the class valedictorian then gives their valedictory address and leads the school pledge of loyalty. The graduates then sing their graduation song and the awards for outstanding graduates are then given out.

After the awards, the school principal then gives the closing remarks and the graduates may sing their closing song. The students and parents then exit the area with a formal recessional. However, they then usually return to have their souvenir pictures taken on the stage.

Candlelight ceremonies are usually held during high school junior-senior proms. However, some elementary schools in the provinces made candlelight ceremonies part of the graduation rites. In the original candlelight ceremony for proms, the senior class president usually lit a large ceremonial candle on the stage, then lit their own candle from this flame and symbolically “passed the flame” to the junior class president. The member of the senior class nearest the stage then went up to light their candle and went down to pass the flame to the other seniors, who would then give their lit candles to the juniors.

For elementary school graduation rites, the graduating class sings “One Little Candle” while the class valedictorian lights the ceremonial candle then passes the flame to the other graduates. The graduates blow out the flame together when they are declared graduates.

The graduation song is a vital part of the ceremony. It is considered a symbol of the graduating class and is usually chosen by the graduates, although in some cases the class adviser or the teachers may choose the song themselves. The graduates usually try to choose a song that will express their feelings about graduation.

Some songs have been chosen over and over as graduation songs and in many cases have defined a generation. The Diana Ross song “If We Hold On Together,” for example, became the graduation song in many Philippine schools in the early 1990s. Other songs that Filipino students have chosen to sing during their graduation rites are “Farewell” by Raymond Lauchengco, “The Journey” by Lea Salonga, and “High School Life” by Sharon Cuneta.

Garlands” are essential to graduations in the Philippines. These are usually made from ribbon, shaped into a lei and adorned with “flowers” made from the same material. Fresh flowers are never used for graduation garlands, except for everlasting flowers. Some people create special garlands by tying individually wrapped candies end to end; these are usually popular with kindergarten and elementary school graduates. Recently, garlands made of seashells have also been given at graduation rites.

Many high schools now place stands beside the stage and hang garlands on them. When the graduates exit the stage after getting their diplomas, lowerclassmen usually put garlands on each of them. After the recessional, family and friends also place garlands around the necks of the graduates. Some people also give graduation gifts during this time; however, garlands are de rigueur.

South Africa

At the University of the Witwatersrand or WITS, the graduation ceremonies are formal affairs, which include an academic procession by the faculty staff. The WITS choir is always present, and as a fun twist once the academic procession has left the hall, the song "I Got You (I Feel Good)" by James Brown is played over the loudspeakers.

King’s College London

At King's College London, the graduates shake the hand of the university's president & principal, normally equivalent to a UK university's vice-chancellor. In addition, the hand of the chairman of the King's College London Council, instead of its chancellor — the senior official of University of London — is shaken. After being vested the power to award its own degrees from the University of London in 2006, graduates since 2008 wear an academic dress that does not feature a hat, designed by Dame Vivienne Westwood.

With the influence of the University of London's tradition, being the first university in the world to devise a system of academic dress based on faculty colors, the gowns and hoods have been designed with colors that reflect the university's faculties/schools/institutes of study and the level of the degree. Owing to its unique shape, the hood cannot be folded flat.

Robert Mugabe in 1979, 2nd president of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe graduation ceremonies

In Zimbabwe, graduation ceremonies are often associated with the guest of honor who most often is the ceremonial head of the institution. At state universities the President of Zimbabwe officiates as chancellor and guest of honor. Every graduate of a state university in Zimbabwe can claim to have shaken the President's hand. The person most associated with graduation at those institutions is Zimbabwe's late ex-President Robert Mugabe. At other state institutions of higher learning the vice presidents or any other senior government officials may preside.

Uppsala University in Sweden graduation

History of graduation

Ceremonies for graduating students date from the first universities in Europe in the 12th century. At that time Latin was the language of scholarship. A universitas was a guild of masters — such as MAs — with license to teach. "Degree" and "graduate" come from gradus, meaning "step." The first step was admission to a bachelor's degree. The second step was the master’s step, giving the graduate admission to the universitas and license to teach. Typical dress for graduation is gown and hood, or hats adapted from the daily dress of university staff in the Middle Ages, which was in turn based on the attire worn by medieval clergy.

The tradition of wearing graduation hats in Sweden has been in place since the mid-18th century. The cap is typically a white sailor hat with a black or dark blue band around it, a crown motif and a black peak at the front. The graduation hat tradition was initially adopted by students at Uppsala University. The headgear then became popular across several other European nations as well.

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Jun 03, 2021

Haha! I still think that's hilarious! She did look like me! I was just glad you were there, sissy! ❤️

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