I walk by a beautiful display of colorful Gerbera daisies around a tree in a front yard. They are such happy flowers. Their bright, bold colors scream joy and bliss. The petals cocked at different angles make it look like the daisies are about to sing. I would sing too if I brought people such genuine delight and contentment. I think daisies may be the first “He/she loves me, he/she loves me not” flower because their petals are so easy to remove. The tension of waiting to find out whether your beloved loves you or not explodes when reaching that last petal. The flower evokes a lot of emotions. Let’s find out more about gerbera daisies.
According to Wikipedia, Gerbera L. is a genus of plants in the Asteraceae or daisy family. It was named in honor of German botanist and medical doctor Traugott Gerber (1710-1743) who travelled extensively in Russia and was a friend of Carl Linnaeus.
Gerbera is native to tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia. The first scientific description of a Gerbera was made by J.D. Hooker in Curtis's Botanical Magazine in 1889 when he described Gerbera jamesonii, a South African species also known as Transvaal daisy or Barberton daisy. Gerbera is also commonly known as the African daisy.
Gerbera species bear a large capitulum with striking, two-lipped ray florets in yellow, orange, white, pink or red colors. The capitulum, which has the appearance of a single flower, is actually composed of hundreds of individual flowers. The morphology of the flowers varies depending on their position in the capitulum. The flower heads can be as small as 7 cm (Gerbera mini 'Harley') in diameter or up to 12 cm (Gerbera ‘Golden Serena’).
Gerbera is very popular and widely used as a decorative garden plant or as cut flowers. The domesticated cultivars are mostly a result of a cross between Gerbera jamesonii and another South African species Gerbera viridifolia. The cross is known as Gerbera hybrida. Thousands of cultivars exist. They vary greatly in shape and size. Colors include white, yellow, orange, red and pink. The center of the flower is sometimes black. Often the same flower can have petals of several different colors.
Gerbera is also important commercially. It is the fifth most used cut flower in the world — after rose, carnation, chrysanthemum and tulip. It is also used as a model organism in studying flower formation.
Gerbera contains naturally occurring coumarin derivatives. Gerbera is a tender perennial plant. It is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds, but resistant to deer. Small ones are called gerbrinis.
Hilton daisy or Gerbera arantiaca
The Hilton daisy is a relative of the common Barberton daisy. While the typical colour of the Hilton daisies is red, the flowers range from yellow through orange to bright red and deep scarlet. The Hilton daisy is an endangered species and only 15 viable populations of the species are known to exist.
The Hilton daisy was first discovered by Christian Ferdinand Krauss during his visit to Natal in 1839. It were first described by botanist Schulz Bipontinus in 1844 and named for the brilliant orange color of the specimen sent over to Europe. The Hilton daisy is named after Hilton College and the nearby village of Hilton, and has an emotive association with both the college and the village.
Barberton daisy, Transvaal daisy or Gerbera jamesonii
Gerbera jamesonii is a species of flowering plant in the genus Gerbera. It is indigenous to South Eastern Africa and commonly known as the Barberton daisy, the Transvaal daisy and as Barbertonse madeliefie in Afrikaans.
The species is perennial and reproduces asexually. This plant produces tall colorful flowers in season. The flowers may be red, yellow, pink, or orange.
Gerbera jamesonii was first described by Robert Jameson in 1889 while exploring the Barberton area in the Lowveld region of Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. It was the first species of Gerbera to be the subject of a scientific description, studied by J.D. Hooker in Curtis's Botanical Magazine in 1889.
The flag and coat of arms of the Province of Mpumalanga in South Africa include a depiction of this flower.
According to David Beaulieu’s March 19, 2021 article “How to Grow Gerbera Daisies” at thespruce.com, it's hard to resist gerbera daisies’ broad-face blooms in vivid, captivating colors. Their long, naked stems only add to the bloom's visual appeal. Gerbera daisies are not difficult to grow at home, but they do require patience; these are slow-growers and can take 18-24 weeks from planting to bloom. They grow as perennials in zones 9- 11, but elsewhere you have to be resigned to annual planting or grow them in pots outdoors and bring them in for the winter; they don't like transplanting. You can get to bloom time earlier in summer if you start them from seed indoors, up to 8 weeks before the last frost.
The famously colorful blooms of gerbera daisies are large at 4 inches across and have a central disk that can be yellowish, light-bronze or dark in color. This disk is surrounded by rays that come in a variety of hues. The blooms of the species plants are most commonly yellow, red or orange, but there is a large variety of cultivars that produce a range of colors, including amber-orange, lavender, pink, salmon and white. In addition, gerberas come in four classes, based on the flower type and the arrangement and quantity of petals: single-flower, semi-double flower, double flower and spider flower.
Gerbera daisy flowers are grown as perennials in planting zones 9-11. Elsewhere, they are treated as annual plants.
To cut flowers for display, harvest them when the centers are tight and the petals are fully open. Place the cut stems in a vase with no more than about 1 inch of water. The straw-like stems will suck up water to the detriment of the flowers. But since you're adding so little water, keep an eye on the vase so it doesn't dry out. If necessary, trim any discoloration at the bottom of the stem, using an angled cut from clean garden shears.
Grow gerbera daisies in full sun to partial shade. More sun is better in cooler climates; less sun is better in hot areas.
Gerberas do best in well-drained soil enriched with compost. Sandy soil is ideal for these lovers of sharp drainage. A soil pH of 5.5-6.5 is ideal. Leaves with yellow stripes indicates chlorosis, due to alkaline soil. Soil that's too acidic may lead to black spots on the leaves.
Gerberas typically need 1 inch of water per week. Wait until the soil is dry before watering. Overly wet soil can lead to crown or root rot, as well as powdery mildew. Avoid overhead water for the same reason. Keep a close eye on seedlings, which may need more frequent watering. Water only once a month during winter — in areas where gerberas grow as perennials — when the plants go dormant.
Temperature & Humidity
These daisies are sensitive to both frost and intense heat. They overwinter well in temperatures between 45 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. To prevent overheating, keep them away from hot microclimates, such as areas next to foundations or brick walls.
Fertilize monthly with an all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer for the best blooming display. Alternatively, you can keep the plants fed by topdressing the soil with organic compost.
A series of cultivars in a variety of colors such as 'Jaguar Pink,' 'Jaguar Deep Orange' and 'Jaguar Fall Colors Mix."
Large flowers — 5-inches wide — with pink centers surrounded by white.
Big, bright-orange blooms with a band of yellow around the center that adds pop.
Another cultivar series including 'Bicolor Red Lemon' with bicolor cream and bright-red petals.
Deadhead gerbera daisy blooms to promote additional flowering; remove dead leaves as needed. No additional pruning is necessary.
Gerberas can be propagated with clippings. To do so, fill small 3-inch containers with potting mix. Clip stems just above the soil level — stems should be about 6 inches long — and dip the ends in rooting hormone. Insert stem into potting mix, and spray with water to dampen. Place pot in a plastic bag to keep the soil moist and keep in indirect sunlight. Spray daily until stem takes root; transplant to larger containers. Move outside come spring.
How to Grow From Seed
It's common to find gerbera daisy starts sold in pots, and these give you a jump on this plant's long maturation time. But you might prefer to grow daisies from seed because you can choose from a much wider range of types and colors. Start the seeds indoors 12-18 weeks before the last frost, using peat or paper pots that you can plant directly in the garden to avoid transplanting.
Simply press the seeds into the soil so that light can reach them. Place plastic over the pots to retain moisture and set them in a sunny location that's 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. The seeds should germinate in 2-4 weeks. Wait until there is no threat of frost and bury the pots in the garden so the plants' crowns are about 1/2 inch above the soil.
In zone 8, some homeowners report success in growing gerbera daisies as perennials, especially if garden mulch is used to protect against winter cold. However, be sure not to allow mulch to cover the crown, since this plant is susceptible to crown rot.
Common pests
Gerbera daisies fall prey to aphids, whiteflies, thrips and spider mites. Checking the leaves once in a while for bugs should be part of a regular care regimen. If you find an infestation, spray with neem oil.